Recognise this? Signs you have a serious strategy problem

Imagine if you could solve 80% of your business problems in one hit.

Well you can, if you get your strategy right. You see lack of strategy normally manifests in multiple downstream ways which founders are always stressing over, but which are often impossible to fix because their root is at a higher level.

  • Sales problem?
  • Lead generation problem?
  • Retention problem?
  • Brand problem?
  • Marketing problem?
  • Profitability problem?

Nine times out of 10 these are all actually strategy problems. They are problems that come as a result of you:

  • Not knowing what unique value you bring to the table
  • Not being clear on the focus of your business
  • Not having an offer with high enough demand or scarcity

In other words, not having a strategy.

Getting a bit more specific, these are the sorts of things I hear routinely from founders when I start working with them. See if any of these sound like you:

“I’m not sure what makes us different”

Translation: There probably isn’t anything that makes you different, because in the absence of a clear strategic idea, it’s human nature to copy your competitors and cluster together.

“I struggle clearly communicating what we do to customers”

Translation: You probably don’t have a clear single minded offer driving the business, that everything revolves around. It’s lack of focus that drives weak communication.

“Our growth has stalled”

Translation: You’ve probably maxed out your market potential in your current guise, and are exactly the size you’re supposed to be. The only way to break through is to fundamentally change something about what you do.

“We’ve tried lots of things but none really seem to work”

Translation: You’re shooting in the dark. Strategic businesses have found the thing that works, and they simply iterate around that – but you haven’t so you’re still scrambling in case you happen to stumble upon it.

“I’m not sure what to do next”

Translation: You’re exhausted. it’s demoralising and miserable when nothing seems to *click*, or produce the desired results. After a while you fall out of love with the business, and out of love with the process – and that’s death.

Now understand this:

This stuff is normal. This is what it feels like running most businesses. This is what people think it’s meant to be like.

But they’re wrong.

Most businesses are only this way because the leaders don’t know the simple (but rare) strategic frameworks that make the difference between a mediocre company and an epic one.

These ideas have been around for a long time, but they’ve mostly been inaccessible to everyone except for fortune 500 CEOs surrounded by an army of MBAs. They’ve been too dense, too dry, to academic – and too damn long – for most founders to work with.

Until now.

Because in one month I’m going to be dropping The Strategy Shortcut System – the simple way for any founder to master strategy, and unlock effortless growth.

With this you’re not just going to learn strategy.

You’re going to do it – with a powerful AI-assisted process that will get you strategic breakthroughs fast. You’ll also my full suite of supporting tools to make sure your idea actually works, including:

  • The world’s clearest strategy document template
  • The BS-checking system (to make sure your thinking’s sound)
  • The process for translating strategy into killer sales messaging

…and a bunch more.

Stay tuned here, and more will be revealed.

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