Flood your ears with this strategy podcast bonanza.

A special treat this week, with not just one but TWO new podcast strategy-fests for your listening pleasure.

Take your pick of which you fancy.

Or if you think your synapses can handle it…
Who knows…
Perhaps even listen to both.

Want a brand-focused strat chat? Then listen to this one…

First up we have my appearance on Catch Ups In My Kitchen with Georgia Symonds. This is the place to look if you want to hear about:

  • The essentials of strategy for consumer brands
  • Common mistakes you don’t wanna make
  • And how we can apply strategy to ourselves as individuals, as well as our businesses


Get listening right here 👇

Apple Podcasts

Want to go deeper on goals, audience building, and the content game? Then this is the one for you…

This is my second appearance on the HUNGRY podcast with pod-god Dan Pope. We covered strategy extensively the first time around, so this time we’re looking at:

  • Setting crazy goals
  • Growing an audience
  • The pleasures and sorrows pumping out content


If that’s more your speed, you can find it here 👇

Apple Podcasts


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